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Get To Know Who We Serve

How We Help People Like You

Whenever I research a company, I find myself asking: “How have they helped someone like me?” At Mark Sharp Retirement, our clients are at the heart of everything we do. While we can’t provide customer testimonials, we want to highlight real-life scenarios that showcase how we help individuals plan for a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Case Study: Casey & Matt’s Retirement Strategy

Casey and Matt are a dedicated, hard-working couple preparing for retirement.

  • Casey, a VP of Supply Chain at a leading pharmaceutical company, has built an impressive 30-year career, progressing from the sales floor to high-stakes negotiations. Her true passion lies in leading and inspiring her teams.
  • Matt, an accomplished real estate attorney, has spent 25 years practicing law, driven by his enthusiasm for the legal field.

As retirement approaches, Casey and Matt realized their investment strategy was falling behind. They wanted to ensure they had a solid financial plan in place—one that would secure their future and allow them to enjoy the lifestyle they envisioned.

How We Helped Casey & Matt:

Designed a Personalized Retirement Income Strategy

  • Explored their income preferences to develop a structured, consistent retirement paycheck.

Optimized Their Investment & Savings Approach

  • Conducted a comprehensive analysis of their retirement savings strategy.
  • Rebalanced their portfolio to enhance tax efficiency and long-term growth.
  • Adopted a more aggressive savings plan in the final years before retirement to help them reach their target retirement fund.

Implemented Proactive Tax Planning

  • Integrated long-term tax strategies into their retirement plan to minimize tax burdens.

Maximized Their Employer Benefits

  • Evaluated their benefits packages to ensure they were fully leveraged for maximum retirement impact.

Addressed Potential Risks & Financial Security

  • Identified retirement risks and developed strategies to mitigate them, ensuring greater financial stability.

Refined Their Retirement Lifestyle & Budget

  • Explored their financial goals and prioritized what truly mattered in their retirement vision.
  • Identified opportunities to reduce unnecessary expenses, increasing their financial flexibility.
  • Developed a personalized retirement budget that aligned with their core values and long-term aspirations.

The Outcome

With a comprehensive plan in place, Casey and Matt now feel confident and secure about their financial future. They have a clear roadmap to retirement—one that allows them to enjoy their hard-earned success without financial stress.